Črtomir Rozman, Stanislav Tojnko, Tatjana Unuk, Karmen Pažek, Mario Lešnik - Decision Support Systems in Fruit Production

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Über das Buch

– in englischer Sprache –

Zum Inhalt

The modern computer based decision support methods have been gaining on importance. In this book we present modern decision support methods and their application in fruit production. The real life applications presented in the book are a direct result of authors long lasting research work and until now unpublished research material in this field. The decision support software and its development methods are presented theoretically and practically on real life decision problems in fruit production. All case studies are based on Slovenian fruit production data. The methods of technologic economic simulation models and investment analysis for orchard renewal and fruit processing plant, multi criteria assessment of apple variety, fruit farm resource allocation problem and multi criteria analysis of apple scab fungicide programs are presented in detail. Certain approaches in model development are unique and until now not applied by other researchers. The book can be used by students of agricultural economics and farm management as well by researchers and fruit producers. [...]


Fruit Production, Decision Support System, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, Simulation Models, Resource Allocation, Investment analysis, Agrarwissenschaft, Obstanbau

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