Robert Celec (Ed.) - Integrating Health, Technology and Sustainability
Contemporary Strategies and Assessments
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This monograph offers an insightful exploration of the integration of health, technology and sustainability.
One focus of the monograph is sustainable tourism in the wake of the pandemic. It examines the role that ecotourism can play in promoting environmental health and sustainable infrastructures. The analysis also extends to rural entrepreneurship, particularly in the dairy industry, where it assesses the economic viability and environmental sustainability of milk production and processing. This section provides insights into the adaptability of rural businesses to evolving market demands and highlights the importance of sustainable practises in the rural economy. An important topic is the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on children's physical health. The study draws attention to the decline in physical fitness among children during the pandemic and emphasises the need for proactive health measures to counteract these effects.
The monograph also looks at public health, in particular the consumption of energy drinks among young people. It criticises the increasing popularity of these drinks and discusses the health risks associated with excessive caffeine and sugar intake. An innovative aspect of the monograph is the examination of new technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality in education. The study assesses how these technologies can enhance learning experiences, particularly in science and kinaesthetic education, which aligns with the theme of integrating technology with sustainable and health-conscious practises.
Overall, this monograph presents a comprehensive and accessible overview of the intersections between health, technology and sustainability. It offers valuable insights into the ways in which these fields can work together to contribute to societal progress and emphasises the need for integrated approaches in addressing the challenges and opportunities of our time. [...]
Gesundheit, COVID-19, Energy-Drinks, Milchproduktion, Virtuelle Realität, Tourismus, Körperliche Fitness, Corona
SchriftenreiheEUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
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