Klaus Püschel, Christina Krafczyk, Jean-Damascène Bizimana (Hrsg.) - Never Forgotten – The Genocide Victims from Murambi, Rwanda

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Über das Buch

Zum Inhalt

Introduction and Beginning of the Cooperation
(K. Püschel, O. Krebs, B. Franke, H. Mushumba)

Days of Darkness – The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)

A New Beginning – Rwanda After the Genocide
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)

The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)

From a place of hope to a place of horror Reports from contemporary witnesses National and international historical newspaper reports

Aftermath and First Consequences of the Genocide in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)

The takeover of the site after the genocide Dealing with genocide victims Reports from contemporary witnesses

Murambi Genocide Memorial Centre

The idea behind the memorial
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo) The memorial today
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt) The human remains in Murambi
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt)

Conservation of Human Remains in Murambi

A brief discourse – human remains in archaeological conservation
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt) Conservation concept for the human remains in Murambi
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt) Implementation on site
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt) Presentation and monitoring
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt) Documentation of human remains in Murambi
(O. Krebs, E. Jopp-van Well)

Scientific Investigations
(M. Hahn, C. Riedel, K. Püschel)

Histological processing of a tissue sample

Catalogue of 20 Human Remains
(M. Lehmann, D. Schaarschmidt, O. Krebs, E. Jopp-van Well, M. Muhoza, R. Rurenzi) [...]


Rwanda, Genozid, Tutsi, Forensik, Rechtsmedizin, Legal Medicine, Forensics, Genocide, Murambi, Ruanda

  • Fachdisziplin
  • Schriftenreihe
    Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg (Hrsg.: Prof. Dr. Klaus Püschel)
  • ISSN
  • Band


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