Mariana Mrázová / Fabian Renger / Attila Czirfusz (eds.) - Global Health Challenges I.
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The title of this book has two main focal points: Global Health and Challenges.
Global Health is a relatively new term in Public Health. It requires the healthiness of individuals of whole the world. The paradox in this perspective is, that the pandemic „Covid-19“ is showing us just this item, not only a risk for health of certain regions or for certain risk groups, but for everyone of us – no matter where a person is – on whole the world. A pandemic is global and healthiness therefore, too. The result of this are challenges which only can be solved in a positive sense and globally.
In this collected edition the approach for the topic Global Health Challenges is from various perspectives, and one thing is obvious: the focus of the topics with such a title is of wide diversity. All articles in this book, if it is cancer prevention, hand hygiene or the Medical Care Centre, they all share the reference to the topic Global Health Challenges.
Global health challenges requires more than just new technology, or more medical care, or better trained health workers. It requires new knowledge and social innovations for how we govern our global society, how we finance health interventions, and how we deliver on the promise of what we already know. Each type of problem calls for a different strategy of prevention and treatment. There is no single intervention that can establish trusted health leadership to advance health.
The good news is that global population health is improving. It is our hope, however, that we can strive to create health with realistic expectations for the future. We can all be healthy; it begins at home, at work, at school, in government, and in our environment. But most important, health begins with ourselves. This is the perspective from global view down to the life of concrete persons. Every human being moves between the two points ill and healthy during its live. [...]
Antibiotika, Handhygiene, Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum, Krebsbedingte Faktoren, Antimikrobielle Resistenz, Präventive Medizin, Öffentliche Gesundheit, Gesundheitsprävention, Präventionsmedizin, Medizinökonomie, Gewichtszunahme während der Schwangerschaft, Antimicrobial stewardship, Hand hygiene, Medical care centre, Cancer-related factors, Antimicrobial resilience, Gestational weight, Public Health, Preventive medicine, Medical economics, Corona-Pandemie, COVID-19, Medical treatment
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheSchriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
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