Bojan Jošt / Matej Supej / Janez Vodičar - Developing Take-off Power in Ski Jumping

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Über das Buch

– in englischer Sprache –

Zum Inhalt

This book presents the first study comparing the use of different shoes and, with a special measurement device, the change in inclination. We wanted to approach the situation on the ski jumping hill and find out the typical changes that can influence the training process of the jumpers. Top Slovenian jumpers who won medals at the last Olympic Games in Beijing 2022 participated in the study. Ski jumping is one of the most technically complex and difficult movements. A take-off is performed on a jumping hill at a high velocity of movement and under a strong action of external physical forces and torques.

In the take-off phase, the ski jumpers’ take-off power is very important. A high take-off power enables the jumper to raise the curve of the flight in the take-off phase and effectively transition into an optimal position for the flight. The study and diagnostics of the take-off power components can be conducted on a hill or a laboratory, where the ski jumpers perform the take-off routine using imitation exercises. The modern measuring technology, which is becoming increasingly important in monitoring and determining the composition of the take-off power, is now a necessary component of expert monitoring, planning, and programming of the process of developing the special take-off power in ski jumpers. [...]


Skispringen, Sprungkraft, Absprung, Muskelkraft, Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit, Gewichtsverteilung, Trainingsprozess, Biomechanik, ski jumping, jumping power, take-off, muscle power, movement speed, weight distribution, training process, biomechanics

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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg


  • Schriftenreihe
    Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
  • ISSN
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