Ana Kozina (ed.) - Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe
Relationships matter
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»Overall this HAND in HAND project and book offers vital elements of a future framework for social and emotional education. The authors are to be commended for their lucidity, sensitivity and ambition in scope, as well as frankness about how there is so much more needing to be developed in this whole area.«Paul Downes, Ph.D., Institute of Education, Dublin City University
»The HAND and HAND Programs add considerable value in that investigators paired social emotional competencies and intercultural/transcultural competencies. This is a novel combination of ideas from the standpoint of the current research literature, in which these competencies are not often put together as targets of intervention programs. From a European standpoint, these are also basic competencies that we would hope to support in school children throughout Europe, so in addition to theoretical novelty, there is also a practical and cultural relevance to the aims of the HAND in HAND programs. In general, this book should be essential reading for those involved in intervention development and testing social and behavioral interventions for children and/or adolescents.«Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Stockholm University
The book „Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe: Relationships matter“ brings in the insights from the three-year learning process of the HAND in HAND: Social and Emotional Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies Erasmus K3 policy experimentation project that targeted the need detected in Europe and internationally to develop inclusive societies (schools and classrooms) that allow every student to feel accepted and be able to achieve their potential, particularly in response to increasing migration…
Erziehungswissenschaft, Pädagogik, Schule, Soziale Kompetenzen, Emotionale Kompetenzen, Interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Intervention, Evaluation, Einführung, Politik, EU, Inklusion, Beziehungen, Education, School, Social competencies, Emotional competencies, Intercultural competencies, Intervention, Implementation, Policy, Assessmant, Inclusion, Relationships
SchriftenreiheStudien zur Schulpädagogik
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