Manuel Lérida - A Bicultural Management Model for Internationalising SMEs
Using the Example of 2nd Generation Spanish Specialists in Germany
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Objective of this book is to demonstrate a new strategic approach; the use of 2nd generation bicultural experts as competitive advantage for internationalising SMEs. The approach described in this book is, on one hand, based on the example of 2nd generation Spanish experts in Germany and on the other hand, concentrates on the example of Spanish small and medium sized enterprises, which want to expand their businesses into the German markets.
Bicultural individuals represent a special kind of human resource. Growing up and enjoying the education and lifestyle of the host country and at the same time retaining the native cultural identity and language. Thus, combining the bicultural skills, expertise and knowledge with the requirements of internationalising SMEs to overcome the obstacles on foreign markets leads to this new competitive bicultural management model.
The study presented in this book uses both, primary and secondary data. The data involved qualitative research and examinations of current empirical research in the literature review. In the stage of the literature review, the theoretical perspectives of Spanish SMEs and their marketing are evaluated in order to identify business requirements that Spanish SMEs need to improve their businesses on German markets. Records and information about Spanish migration and culture and its elements are examined. Further, research that identifies the advantages of being bicultural is evaluated. In addition, the topic of model building in management is examined that lead to the introduction of an initial bicultural management role model. Finally, the current gaps in knowledge are presented. The literature review draws the main academic and personal influences that formed the preferences to investigate how biculturalism forms competitive advantages for internationalising SMEs.
The examinations highlight the need to continue an in-depth investigation of these subjects in order to clarify…
Intercultural Competence, Biculturalism, Internationalisation strategy, International business, Bicultural experts, 2nd generation migrants, Internationales Management, Internationalisierung, Strategisches Management, Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
Autor*inManuel Lérida
JahrHamburg 2008
FachdisziplinUnternehmensführung & Organisation
SchriftenreiheStrategisches Management
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