M. Tarek Gerdewal - A Business Communication Design for Information Technology (IT) Organizations based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
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The main objective of this research project is to evaluate the extent to which business communication could contribute to an effective IT service management. In addition, this project intends to clarify the entire role of business communication in terms of organizing the information technology into the value chain of IT service providers. Two research questions are derived from the research model which predicts the intervention of business communication in the relationship between predictor and outcome variables of an IT organization.
RQ1: How Does Business Communication Affect IT Service Management? RQ2: What Impact Does Business Communication Have on the Achievement of the Maturity Level of Organizational Growth?To answer the research questions, a quantitative approach based on a survey using the questionnaire utility is conducted. Business communication covers a variety of subjects. Each of them actually represents a research object in its own right. The focus of this study, however, is to analyze the business communication in terms of IT service management processes and its realization. As a result of the explorative and confirmative analysis, it can be concluded that from the perspective of this underlying study the communication variable interaction is regarded as a key figure in business communication. Due to the results it can be asserted that business communication does support the processes in order to manage stakeholders, assets and organizational structure therefore contributing to organizational growth. The chief result of the quantitative analysis is that there is a significant mediation effect of interaction, as one element of the business communication constructs, in the relationship between assets and value generation. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library as an IT service management concept is known predominantly in Europe as a de facto standard. Therefore the business communication for ITSM is analyzed…
IT Organisation, Stakeholder Management, IT Asset Management, SOA, ITIL, IT Service Operation, Information Management, Business Communication, IT Service Managment, IT Infrastructure Management
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
FachdisziplinWirtschaftsinformatik & Informationsmanagement
SchriftenreiheStudien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik
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