Katarína Remeňová & Nadežda Jankelová - A Descriptive Approach to Decision Making and the Decision-Making Style
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The scientific monograph provides in-depth coverage of the theory of decision making from a descriptive perspective, concentrating on decision-making style, the way of thinking, and information gathering. In the decision-making process, it is essential that a decision maker with a particular style bears responsibility for the decision and also for its subsequent implementation and control of the achieved results.
The decision-making style in the conditions of uncertainty allows us to use an innovative approach to judging and decision making. On that principle, a new direction was created – the descriptive: Where researchers focused on examining relationships in decision-making, given factors that influence decision-making from a personal point of view. Here belong values, delaying decisions, degree of certainty, intuition, style of decision making, quality and availability of information or emotional intelligence.
Über die Autoren Ing. Katarína Remeňová, PhD., MBA
Katarína has completed her PhD. studies in Management at the University of Economics in Bratislava, and since 2010 she has been assistant professor in the Department of Management. She teaches decision making theory and decision making in price management. Previously she worked as a price consultant in an international financial company, where she was responsible for pricing analysis and price policy. Her present research is mainly focused on the decision making process in price management. She is the author and co-author of several scientific research papers and monographs.
Doc. Nadežda Jankelová, PhD.
Nadežda has been lecturer and researcher at the Department of Management for twenty years. She teaches courses on business decision making and management. She has been leader of several research projects focused on innovative approaches in management and decision making. She is the author and co-author of several scientific research papers, scripts and…
Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Decision-Making, Decision Making Style, Decision Problems, Entscheidungsfindung, Team Decision Making, Reasoning, Descriptive Decision Making, Decision Making Process, Entscheidung, Entscheidungsprozess
FachdisziplinSpezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehren
SchriftenreiheSchriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
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