Marta Licardo / Alenka Lipovec (eds.) - Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Social-Emotional Skills as Transversal Competencies in Education
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– in englischer Sprache –
Zum Inhalt
The SETCOM Monograph is a significant scholarly work that explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy and social-emotional (SE) skills within the educational context. This collection of scientific papers delves deeply into how AI and SE skills, as transversal competencies, can be developed and integrated into educational frameworks.
The monograph is based on empirical studies conducted using the scientific method of pedagogical research, ensuring a rigorous and evidence-based approach to its findings. Central to the monograph is the exploration of AI’s potential to transform educational experiences by providing personalised learning and the challenges associated with its integration. It discusses the technical and ethical considerations that must be navigated to effectively implement AI in teaching and learning. The monograph also emphasises the necessity for educators to develop competencies in AI alongside their social-emotional skills to address the dynamic demands of modern education.
The various contributions within the monograph cover a broad spectrum, from technical aspects of AI and its ethical dimensions to in-depth insights into social-emotional learning. The authors present a comprehensive analysis of how AI can support and enhance educational methodologies and underscore the broader implications for education systems. Each paper within the monograph is rooted in empirical research, featuring data that has been meticulously collected and analysed.
A key conclusion of the monograph is the significant potential for AI to benefit the educational environment when integrated with social-emotional learning. It suggests that a balanced, ethical approach to implementing AI in education can lead to equitable and transformative outcomes.
The monograph serves as a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and researchers, offering evidence-based insights into the integration of AI literacy and…
KI, AI, Künstliche Intelligenz, Künstliche Intelligenzkompetenz, Sozial-emotionale Fähigkeiten, Sozial-emotionales Lernen, Übergreifende Kompetenzen, Bildung, Schüler, Lehrer, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence literacy, social-emotional skills, social-emotional learning, transversal competencies, education, students, teachers
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheEUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
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