Marko Ferjan, Iztok Podbregar, Polona Šprajc, Petra Robnik, Eva Jereb - Athletes Friendly Education
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The book „Athlete friendly education“ addresses the topics of athlete education. At the end of a sports career, athletes are forced to start a new career. For this, they must acquire an appropriate education during their sports career. Empirical research presented in the book shows that athletes are no less committed to education than other high school or university students. Furthermore, the curriculum and school adjustments, in general, are of great help to athletes.
The presented book also highlights some of the aspects which need to be taken into account when working with athletes: systemic measures on the state level, the role of educational institutions and their evaluation, the students’ motivation, the role of e-learning in supporting elite athletes, and the effect of curriculum adaptations on overall academic success.
The first chapter presents developments in the dual career of athletes whose first model was created in the years 2003 and 2004. It begins by explaining the notion of dual career and summarises the EU recommendations on it. Finally, it presents the Republic of Slovenia’s relevant regulatory framework and shows examples of good practice in Slovenia.
The second chapter describes an overview of various approaches towards evaluations and assessment. It presents multiple evaluation approaches, with an evaluation questionnaire model for athlete-friendly schools attached in the appendix. The authors firmly believe that e-learning is a critical component of successful student-athlete education. The third chapter is thus devoted to the topic of online learning. E-learning, its benefits and drawbacks, and the ADDIE model for designing an e-learning course are described.
The next chapter addresses the topic of motivation and commitment. Commitment includes strength, energy, and dedication, all of which are intrinsic to a person. It is self-evident that no learning can be successful without the students’…
Bildung, Sportler, Karriere, Evaluation, Bildungseinrichtungen, E-Learning, Sportwissenschaft, Education, Athletes, Career, Education institutions, Sports, Erziehungswissenschaft
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheSchriften zur Sportwissenschaft
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