Julie Spergel - Canada‘s ‘Second History‘: The Fiction of Jewish Canadian Women Writers

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In Anne Michaels’s novel „Fugitive Pieces?, seven-year-old Shoah survivor Jakob Beer is reborn, given a „second history? when he emerges out of a Polish bog. As Jakob builds a new life with his adoptive father Athos, the Greek archaeologist who finds him, the two are consumed by a need to uncover the hidden, invisible worlds that lie beneath Greece and Toronto. Their world is one where fragments, ruins, ghosts, missing information, and lost manuscripts call out to be discovered and reconstructed. They learn that by looking to these buried worlds of historythe places of history’s losersa future will eventually be revealed. Michaels’s interest in questions regarding memory, identity, community, and home, as well as of a responsibility to the past, is also of great concern to other Jewish Canadian women writers. Through their common leitmotifs of ghosts, adoptions, and untold stories, these authors look through the overlapping layers of the past in order to right its wrongs by giving silenced voices a chance to speak.

This study focuses on the „chronotopic? image of Jewish places such as the shtetl, the European or Canadian city, or the Shoah. Situating their works in „Jewish chronotopes,? these Jewish Canadian women writers hope to demonstrate that memory is moral and that it is through preserving the collective past by participating in the continual revision of historiography that an identity for the present can be constructed. All the chosen novels foreground dialogism, thereby suggesting that identity is not intrinsic nor develops out of a centre. Rather, meanings and identities are multiple and contested because all identityeven that elusive Canadian oneis constituted by the conflict and interaction of multiple perspectives, such as different versions of the past, that refuse a monolithic viewpoint. Canada’s multiculturalism is comparable to the Jewish Diaspora, which is problematised in the novels. They both bear spatial histories that recognise the…


Canadian Literature, Chronotopes, Chronotopos, Women‘s Writing, Jewish Canadian Writing, Canadian Multiculturalism, Jewish Diaspora, Anne Michaels, Lilian Nattel, Nancy Richler, Chava Rosenfarb, Kanadische Literatur, Jüdische Frauen, Schriftstellerinnen, Gender, Kulturwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft, Spatial History

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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg


  • Schriftenreihe
    Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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