Christian Christrup Kjeldsen - Capabilities and Special Needs
An Educational Foundation
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This doctoral work provides a comprehensive capability oriented research on the single case of a new Danish innovative policy (Act. no. 564 of 2007), a social work and educational intervention for mentally challenged young people and other young people with special needs; the so-called individually arranged youth education (STU). This Act has been taken into consideration in relation to an international study on the implementation of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Theoretically, the research makes use of the sociological open-ended and relational concepts of Pierre Bourdieu and the normative yardstick of the Capability Approach. This approach have been formulated by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. It introduces, discusses and finally analyses data with an emphasis on Martha Nussbaum’s central human functionings of practical reason and bodily health with a particular focus on the freedom to choose. In addition, the legislative aims is being considered as development of aimed capabilities. The Capability Approach and its concepts are being conceptualised and brought together in a model witch structure the analysis The conclusion demonstrates the existence of a de-professionalisation of the social work done in relation to the specific target group. The social work de-professionalisation relates to the professionals target group construction which is found on all three analytical levels (macro, messo and micro) and influences specialisations on theory, methods and resources where the target group is constructed so that the main differentiation is that they were not able to follow another youth education. No specialisation is found; instead, the group the professionals work with is heterogeneous (from the mentally disabled to the blind and physically disabilities to psychological illness). This becomes a negative conversion factor of the resources given in the form of the entitlement of STU. This contrasts with the special needs of the…
Capability Approach, Special Needs, Social Work, Youth education, Denmark, Educational sociology, Case Studie, Pierre Bourdieu, Relational Epistmology, Social Justice, Normativity, Soziale Arbeit, Bildungssoziologie
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheSozialpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
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