Peter Jordan / Paul Woodman (eds.) - Criteria for the Use of Exonyms

Proceedings of the 17th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Zagreb, 14–16 May 2015

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Über das Buch

- in englischer Sprache -


„[…] Gerade Namenkundler, die sich nicht eingehender mit dem Bereich Exonym/Endonym auseinandergesetzt haben, sollten diesen Sammelband zur Kenntnis nehmen, da es sich um ein äußerst komplexes Phänomen handelt, und die immerhin von der UNGEGN verabschiedete Definition der Termini nicht alles abdeckt.“

– Kirstin Casemir in: Beiträge zur Namenforschung, 53.2 (2018)

Zum Inhalt

Authors and editors of maps, atlases and all kinds of text publications, including articles in newspapers, as well as journalists of the electronic media, frequently face the problem of which name to use for a geographical feature outside their own country or linguistic community. If a choice of names is available, should they choose a name used by the community residing in or near the feature (endonym), or a name used by the author’s or editor’s community (exonym)? In which situations communication by using the exonym is likely to be more successful than by using the endonym? Which kind of place name (endonym or exonym) should be used in domestic communication, and which is better for international use? Which feature types are first candidates for exonyms? Which of the two categories would be preferable in school atlases, on road maps, or on city plans? The discussion on these criteria is reflected by the chapters of this book, documenting papers presented at a meeting of the United Nations Group of Experts (UNGEGN) in 2015. [...]


Exonyme, Toponyme, Toponomastik, Linguistik, Geographie, Standardisierung, Vereinte Nationen, UNGEGN, Zagreb, Exonym

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg


  • Schriftenreihe
    Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research (Hrsg.: Peter Jordan, Paul Woodman)
  • ISSN
  • Band


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