Bojan Jošt / Janez Vodičar - Development of the Ski Jump Hill Profile from the Viewpoint of Ski Jumping Technique
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Historicallly, the development of ski jumping hills has been in line with the development of ski jumping techniques. The development of ski jumping centers around the world has made great progress over the past decade, as new ones have been built and many existing centers have been modernized. This monograph presents the brief development of the world’s most recognized ski jumping centers. As a rule, their development has been associated with the organization of major sports events such as the Olympic Games, World Championships, and World Cup competitions. Most centers also have more smaller hills for training and competition of younger jumpers. Modern centers are equipped with hills for winter and summer training and competition. Ski jumping hills are ever more technologically advanced, which guarantees safe and efficient workouts and, above all, an attractive competition. This monograph also deals with ski flying venues that are homologated separately. The historical development of ski jumping hills around the world is related to their size, which has been increasing steadily. Today, ski jumping hills are differentiated from ski flying hills. The development of ski flying hills is a rather important field of interest among the sports community around the world, mainly due to the constant increase in world records. [...]
Skispringen, Skisprungschanze, Skiflugschanze, Profil, Technik, Aerodynamik, Geometrie, Sportwissenschaft, Ski jumping, Ski jumping hill, Development, Inrun position, Profile, Technique, Flying Hill, Aerodynamic, Geometry, Matti Nykaenen, Simon Amman, Jan Boklöv
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