Sun Young Kim - Emotion Management Experiences of Korean Nursing Workers in Germany
Emotional Labor, Emotion Work and Global Women
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Emotion management as emotion work is closely related to emotive experiences in an emotion system. In each emotion system, feeling rules and display rules are differently revealed depending on the social and cultural environment and the occupational and organizational environment. As emotion management sold for the wage, emotional labor refers to a worker’s endeavor to create a desired emotional state of the public depending on their occupational and organizational rules rather than according to what employees as an individual genuinely feel at work.
Using the concept of dichotomized emotion management as emotional labor and emotion work as an analytic framework, this study focused on discovering the difference between emotional labor and emotion work as the dichotomized emotion management by drawing on Hochschild’s interest in emotional labor and global women that refers to women’s transnational labor migration in the caring work area that requires emotional labor.
This study is the first step toward a better understanding of the concept of dichotomized emotion management and the relationship between emotional labor and the social and cultural environment by making a comparison of the practical difference between emotional labor and emotion work. The study contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the difference between emotional labor and emotion work by discovering an occupation could have various concepts depending on a social and institutional environment. It significantly affects emotion management of workers with different experiences in a job due to the difference of an occupational concept in the same job. Moreover, the study has implications for global women by emphasizing relationships between emotional labor and emotive experiences in a workplace and between emotional labor/emotion work and a difference of an occupational concept in the same job in an emotion system.
Consequently, this study suggested an expression…
Emotionsregulation, Arbeitsmigration, Hochschild, Marx, Emotionsmanagement, Transnational Labor Migration, Gefühlskontrolle, Psychologie, Nursing Worker, Koreaner, Deutschland, Germany
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
FachdisziplinUnternehmensführung & Organisation
SchriftenreiheSchriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie
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