Robert Celec (Ed.) - Health in the Interactive Relationship Between Nutrition and Exercise
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This publication shows results from different research areas that are interconnected with its message in a fairly intertwined health care segment.
In the beginning, we get a glimpse of the research results, within which the differences between physically active and inactive children have been determined, as well as the following problematic in connection with the impact on the children’s health and sport success.
The latter is followed by interesting results of a research that talks about ergonomics of a child’s sedentary work environment in school. The results show that sitting time of today’s adolescents in school is absolutely too long and that exercise during class is necessary.
The monograph includes a contribution on healthy food production that is methodologically relies on an integrated model of determined simulation system for making decisions at ecological farms. The results provide us with some possible scenarios on how to make a transition from regular to ecological – healthy farming.
The natural and urban environment assessment analysis, which is based on physical activity patterns in the chosen local community in the Republic of Slovenia, offers directions for improving the citizens’ quality of life with the help of quality natural and urban sports infrastructure. In this context, we can also find an explanation about how a certain popular sports activity can be used in the system of understanding physical laws and concepts of everyday life.
The final chapter of the monograph talks about research findings from the field of agricultural forestry that has a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gases effects while maintaining a healthy biodiversity in the ecosystem and providing the security of healthy food supply.
In the end we can state that reading the monograph offers an interesting insight in specific areas that familiarize us with some of the issues of a modern lifestyle from the…
Gesundheit, Ernährung, Sport, Bewegung, Kinder, Biodiversität, Gesundheitswissenschaft, Erziehungswissenschaft, Health, Nutrition, Exercise, Food, Children, Sports, Biodiversity, Healthy Farming, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthcare
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