Veronica Jemanyur Rop - Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development
A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya
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The title of this book is Human Dignity- Participation of Women in Integral Human Development and the subtitle is A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.
The dignity of the human person is central to the integral human development (IHD) of any community. The Catholic Social Teaching teaches that human dignity originates from God and is of God, because human beings are made in God’s own image and likeness. As a person made in the image and likeness of God, a person, a woman, has a dignity that can only be traced back to God the Creator. This dignity is not based on any human quality, cultural norms, or individual merit or accomplishment. Human dignity is inalienable. It is an essential part of every human person and is an intrinsic quality that can never be separated from other essential aspects of the human being.
The Church in Africa has played a special role in cultivating a culture that respects the human person and fosters equality in various spheres of her life. Incorporating women and marginalized persons in the internal affairs of the Church and society would aid. Participation in IHD points to the interdependedness and interconnectedness of a community where each member plays a role that must never be underestimated, but appreciated. Participation ensures that no one member; female or male, feels marginalised when it comes to involvement in community’s decision-making processes. The experiences and challenges faced by women in the community violate their dignity as human persons and excludes them from having an active role in IHD.
The Church’s involvement in giving a voice to women through various empowering and educative activities that promote human dignity is plausible. Intensive family catechesis, safe guarding the rights of all people, transformative education, solution-focused approach and women driven-change is also critical in the elevation of a woman’s own status and…
Theology, Moral, Social Ethics, Dignity, Equality, Theologie, Sozialethik, Würde, Participation, Women, Development, Discrimination, Gender, Patriarchalism, Ethik, Kenya
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheTHEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
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