Malgorzata Sokól (ed.) - Linguistics Across Culture 3
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Linguistics Across Culture 3 is a collection of articles that offer new discoveries and important analytical and conceptual work in the areas of cognitive linguistics, onomastics, discourse analysis, translation studies and phonology. In this way, the volume reflects a wide scope of current research interests and themes of language scholars from the English Department, Szczecin University, Poland, and is a continuation of the previous two volumes in the series. The authors closely explore a range of linguistic phenomena across a variety of communicative contexts and languages. Their work involves empirically-based, comparative or descriptive analyses of linguistic phenomena (including phonetic, grammar or discursive phenomena). The authors either use corpus evidence to test claims about language, or describe linguistic phenomena in question. The studies are based mainly on English and Polish, but also such languages as Altai, Mongol and Azeri. Throughout the volume, the authors attempt to bring into focus cultural aspects of languages under investigation.
A substantial contribution to the volume comes from the outstanding young scholars from the Students’ Linguistic Society “Linguaphile? that actively functions within the English Department of Szczecin University. The young linguists’ findings support the existing research as well as provide a fresh and innovative insight into such areas of linguistic inquiry as appraisal-based analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, or translation practice and theory. [...]
Englische Philologie, Kognitive Linguistik, Diskursanalyse, Phonologie, Übersetzungswissenschaft, Onomastik, Kulturübergreifende Forschung, Sprachwissenschaft, English philology, Cognitive Linguistics, Discourse analysis, Phonology, Translation studies, Onomastics, Cross-cultural research
SchriftenreihePHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
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