Maria Brenda (ed.) - Linguistics Across Culture 4
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Linguistics Across Culture 4 is a collection of papers which adopt cognitive and pragmatic perspectives on Indo-European and Non-Indo-European languages. The volume presents new discoveries and important analytical work exploring various linguistic phenomena in a range of contexts.
An insightful review by Sabine Asmus of the book Colour, Culture and Language – Blue in Polish by Danuta Stanulewicz opens the volume. The reviewer contributes a minority language point of view to the discussion as the Celtic colour term ’glas’ is offered for comparison. Maria Brenda and Katarzyna Rudkiewicz seek to address a frequently overlooked issue of the semantics of function words from a cognitive perspective. Maria Brenda investigates how different prepositions invite different conceptualisations related to the concept of PLACE, while Katarzyna Rudkiewicz applies Langacker’s methodology to explore the structure of the category around. Adriana Goldman approaches the concept of TERRORIST, frequently referred to nowadays, from cognitive and ethnolinguistic standpoints. Using Urban Dictionary allows the researcher to look into the minds of language users and to capture ongoing semantic changes that might with time be accepted by the wider English language community. Olga Molchanova’s contribution focuses on place names in the Altai territory. Specifically, the lexeme kem meaning ’river’ is scrutinised; the author offers an extensive survey of hydronyms containing the lexeme and valuable motivations behind them. Kamila Nakonieczna-Pyrczak applies the conceptual metaphor theory to explain metaphorical expressions related to the concept of HAND in the Bible. Except for a generally accepted approach employing the theory of the ontological metaphor for the explanation of body-part expressions, the paper suggests the application of orientational metaphor theory to the items in question. Monika Skorasinska discusses the semantic structure of the…
Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Spatial Preposition, Translation Equivalence, Lexical Semantics, Conceptual Metaphor, Discourse Analysis, Colour Terms
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreihePHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
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