Leyla Aydemir (ed.) - Migration, Politics, Violence and Women‘s Studies
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The development of science, research and technology depends on international knowledge transfer. Because of that, the studies that technical and natural sciences have done in collaboration with social and human sciences are inevitable in order to find solutions to the current social problems and to meet the expected needs.
Current social questions can no longer be resolved solely with the work of natural sciences, but they also need research in the social and human sciences. Apart from that, we are living at a time when it is necessary to investigate many subjects of social and human sciences together. Issues such as the most discussed migration, the expansion of the European Union, multilingualism and multiculturalism, violence and inequality are at the center of social public opinion.
As you know, Immigration has been intensified recently and today we are witnessing direct and indirect consequences of the immigration phenomenon. For this reason, immigration has become one of the most debated topics of the last decade. While critics view immigration as an obstacle to the unity of society, immigrant advocates emphasize immigration advantages in terms of immigration. Our conference will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of immigration as well as macroeconomic impacts on Europe and the world community.
Multicultural life is an important issue that concerns both immigrants and immigrant countries. This is not only a result of immigration, but also a result of globalization and developing technology, because it becomes a necessity for society to understand and be understood in the ever-shrinking world. Therefore, every research on this topic is very important for prosperity and successful coexistence.
The violence, which is as old as human history, shows itself in different forms in all societies. Numerous psychological and sociological studies have been conducted to transform violence into causes, control, and…
Migration, Flüchtlingsbewegungen, Europäische Union, Genderstudien, Mehrsprachigkeit, Multikulturalität, Gewaltforschung, Immigration, Refugee Studies, European Union, Social Gender, Multilingualism, Multiculturalism, Violence Studies
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