Pawel Sobczyk (ed.) - Security and Globalization in the Context of European Integration
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The three notions making up the title – security, globalization and European integration – constitute the pivotal point of the academic discourse presented in this publication. Various legal aspects of the issues in question are indicated by the subtitle as the point of departure. A legal approach to the said issues is not the only possible perspective to view the subject due to their interdisciplinary character and, consequently, interest exhibited by researchers of diverse fields. Moreover, as the presented studies indicate, the title issues cannot be limited to one traditionally perceived branch of law, but it provides extremely interesting research material for representatives of administrative, civil, commercial and penal law, as well as international and EU law.
The monograph consists of two parts. The first, entitled General issues, offers the following considerations: The global perspective of law – a theoretical approach from three viewpoints (Aneta Jakubiak-Mironczuk), Globalization and a sovereign state under international and European law (Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczynski) and The hierarchy of Polish state security laws from the perspective of European integration (Konrad Walczuk).
The second and much larger part of the publication, entitled Specific issues, contains articles devoted to selected aspects of security and globalization: A new approach to resolving disputes involving public administration and private parties (Wojciech Federczyk), Public access to environmental information in the light of the EU and Polish law (Agata Kosieradzka-Federczyk), Administrative procedure relating to marketing units of UCITS in a host member state (the Polish example) (Bartosz Majchrzak), Prisoners‘ right to marry. Selected case law of the European Court of Human Rights (Jerzy Nikolajew), The hybrid model of human resources management in the Polish civil service (Piotr Zuzankiewicz, Marcin Mazuryk), The process of granting mutual…
Law, European Union, Security, Globalization, European Integration, EU Law, Polish Law
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Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
FachdisziplinStaatsrecht, Verfassungsrecht & Völkerrecht
SchriftenreiheStudien zum Völker- und Europarecht
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