Biju Benjamin - Social Salvation and Humanization: The Concept of Salvation in the Writings of Walter Rauschenbusch and Madathilparampil Mammen Thomas
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Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918) was a key figure in the Social Gospel movement that flourished in the United States during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. M. M. Thomas (1916–1996) tackled the social and political problems of India from a Christian perspective during the second half of the 20 th century.
Walter Rauschenbusch claimed that “the evils of one generation are caused by the wrongs of the generation that preceded and will in turn condition the sufferings and temptations of those who come after.” Against the evils of his time Rauschenbusch opted for a social salvation which he termed as Christianizing the Social Order. M. M. Thomas was one of the most remarkable Indian theologians, a social activist and a renowned ecumenical leader. It was vital for him to show that Christianity is an intrinsic part of India and not a foreign import. Important for M. M. Thomas was the humanizing effect of Christianity. He maintained that humanization is an integral part of the Christian message of salvation.
This investigation introduces the concepts of both theologians and compares how they faced, analysed, and handled the social problems of their respective times.
about the authorBiju Benjamin earned his Ph.D. from the University of Regensburg in 2018. He is an ordained pastor of Indian Christian Mission. He hails from Adoor, Kerala, India. [...]
Social salvation, Social gospel, Erlösung, Sozialethik, Soziallehre, Christliche Religion, Christentum, Theologie, Humanization, Walter Rauschenbusch, Madathilparampil Mammen Thomas, Salvation, Social Christian thought, Humanization, Indian nationalism, World Council of Churches, Lordship christology, Christian participation, Theological anthropology, Theology, Ethik
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheTHEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
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