Bernd Fischl - Sources of Finance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Germany

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Über das Buch

Zum Inhalt

For the successful establishment of a company speed and higher liquidity are necessary. The science of entrepreneurial finance was a topic which probably lacked relevance in science and practice some time ago. Since the 1990s a change took place regarding this issue.

The increasing number of financial instruments and methods open up a wide range of possibilities even for young and new founded companies.

The choice of an adequate form of financing is one of the key success-factors which decide whether a company dies or survives at the end of the day.

This work is an evaluation about the ways of financing Start up companies and the influence different sources and ways of financing might have on their success. [...]


Subsidies, Venture Capital, Start Up Management, Start up, Private Equity, SME, Small and medium-sized businesses, Start up company, Debt Financing, Success Factors, Growth, Founder, Betriebswirtschaftslehre

  • Fachdisziplin
    Rechnungswesen & Finanzen
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(*) Die Lieferzeit beträgt innerhalb Deutschlands üblicherweise 2 bis 3 Werktage ab Zahlungseingang. Bei Bestellungen an Wochenenden und Feiertagen verzögert sich die Auslieferung entsprechend.