Lisa Mackenrodt - Swahili Spirit Possession and Islamic Healing in Contemporary Tanzania
The Jinn Fly on Friday
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Über das Buch
„[…] What makes Mackenrodt’s work unique is the way she links the topic with ongoing approaches of international cooperation efforts and with the everyday lives of members of the Swahili diaspora in a Western metropolis like Berlin.
[…] To conclude, the book is highly recommended for readers with an academic interest in spirit possession and for development practitioners within the health sector. With its thought-provoking analysis, this work definitely provides food for thought and an opportunity for self-reflection.“
– Jigal Beez in: Africa Spectrum, 1/2013
Zum Inhalt
This account embeds Swahili spirit possession and Islamic healing rituals into its particular geographical, cultural and historical context. It gives an overview of the historical development of the syncretistic Muslim-Swahili littoral in East Africa. A special emphasis is put on Afro-Arab history in relation to the development of Swahili culture and language. Traditional Muslim healers and their rituals form the central focus of this book. By presenting typical biographies, networks, institutional structures and possible challenges healers and their clients may be confronted with, the author outlines important features regarding Swahili traditional healing. At the same time, shared aspects with indigenous cultural expressions (e.g., shamanism) worldwide are brought to light. This book gives concrete insights into the Swahili spirit pantheon and offers several anthropological interpretations of spirit possession. The focus lies on theories of embodiment, gender and religious aspects.
By presenting the roots of jinn belief in Qur’an and Hadith as well as recent dynamics surrounding orthodox and reformist tendencies regarding religion in East Africa, this book puts spirit possession into context. It is argued that belief in spirits is a modern, urban phenomenon. Traditional healers are analyzed as agents in complex settings. In a chapter on biomedicine, Mackenrodt explores the differences between spiritual and non-spiritual world-views and comments on the boundaries of psychiatry and anthropology. Furthermore, Tanzania is depicted as a society considerably affected by global politics, HIV/Aids and NGO activities. Mixing theory with interview narrative, this compelling account invites the reader on a journey where the tangible realities of life in Tanzania and Zanzibar Island are slowly revealed. The reader discovers a world-view where ritual healing and biomedical expertise are not necessarily antithetical. In fact, they may be complementary elements…
Indigenous Ritual, Spirit Possession, Social Anthropology, Ethnology, Tanzania, Traditional Medicine, Healers, Islam, East Africa, Jinn, Cultural Anthropology, Comparative Religion, African Studies, Soziologie, HIV, AIDS, Fieldwork
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
SchriftenreiheFern/Sehen: Perspektiven der Sozialanthropologie (Hrsg.: Prof. Dr. Helene Basu)
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