Xiaodong Zhang - Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development

A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises

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It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professional development at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professional development may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language form (i.e., morpho-syntactic features). This is also encountered in Chinese EFL writing teachers’ classrooms, where students are taught writing at the level of language form and they compose their writing accordingly. To counteract the shortcomings of professional development at the institutional level, this book profiles the role of teachers’ self-directed development (i.e., teachers’ self-empowered improvement of their teaching skills) in improving students’ learning. Informed by a qualitative case study approach, this book focuses on an EFL teacher’s self-directed development over one semester in a Chinese university, including his interactions with the students and the trajectory of his self-directed development (e.g., curriculum design and emotional regulation).

Through qualitative analysis of this teacher’s reflections, teacher-student interactions, students’ interviews and essays, as well as field notes collected over one semester, the study shows that the teacher experienced a dynamic trajectory in his self-directed development process. Relying on himself, he initially combined his understanding of writing as a meaning-making process with students’ prior knowledge about writing at the level of language form. He then designed his curriculum (including the use of additional resources) and enacted his mediated teaching in the classroom. In the process, he specifically drew on his previous teaching experiences and taught writing as a meaning-making process using implicit and…


Textproduktion, Spracherwerb, Englisch, Fremdsprachenunterricht, China, Universität, Englischunterricht, Linguistik, University English writing, Teacher’s self-directed development, Systemic functional linguistics, Constrained contexts, Student’s individual needs, Teacher emotion, Chinese students, Higher education


(*) Die Lieferzeit beträgt innerhalb Deutschlands üblicherweise 2 bis 3 Werktage ab Zahlungseingang. Bei Bestellungen an Wochenenden und Feiertagen verzögert sich die Auslieferung entsprechend.