Andreas Bletschacher - The Future of SPS Dispute Settlement at the World Trade Organization
EC-Biotech and US-Continued Suspension as Examples for the Proceduralization of SPS Issues
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– in englischer Sprache –
Zum Inhalt
First, the book aims to develop a theory of what the status of the WTO is and how it has developed so far.
Starting with a short description of the old GATT system, the first chapter introduces the reader to the multilateral trading system. The chapter provides an overview of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and explain the new Dispute Settlement Understanding, established in the Uruguay Round.
Chapter II examines the health-related provisions of the GATT and shows why there was the necessity to develop more specific agreements in the course of the Uruguay Round. Conflicts existed in the area of food safety, animal and plant health already before the establishment of the WTO. These concerns were addressed in Art. XX (b) GATT 1947. However, since this Article was kept too general, WTO members created the SPS Agreement. Both agreements are relevant to measures for the protection of human, animal and plant health; therefore, it is necessary to examine the relationship between the SPS Agreement and GATT 1994.
Chapter III compares the two approaches. This chapter also introduces the reader to essential elements and regulations of the SPS Agreement, highlighted with decisions from older cases of SPS history. The basic principles of the SPS Agreement reflect the underlying goal of addressing the crucial need to open the market for food and agricultural products. The importance of this agreement is already high but will even increase in the future. With further cuts in tariffs, member countries will increasingly seek non-tariff measures to protect their own domestic markets. It is more challenging for member countries to eliminate regulatory barriers to trade than to reduce tariffs. Many regulations are legitimate and consider purposes not related to trade, whereas others may be designed for discriminatory purposes, to protect the domestic industry from the effects of globalization or to achieve other competitive advantages in…
World Trade Organization, GMO‘s, International Trade, SPS Dispute Settlement, US-Continued Suspesion, EC-Biotech, Welthandelsorganisation, Sanitäre Handelshemmnisse, Internationales Recht, Agrarpolitik, Ernährungspolitik, Internationale Beziehungen, Uruguay-Runde
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Verlag Dr. Kovač GmbH
Leverkusenstraße 13, 22761 Hamburg
FachdisziplinStaatsrecht, Verfassungsrecht & Völkerrecht
SchriftenreiheStudien zum Völker- und Europarecht
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