Guido Frisch - The Importance of World Wide Web Search Engines for Information Management
State of the Art and Desirable Developments
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Information can undoubted be called as a factor of production. Due to the globalisation of the markets, the convergence of technologies and the Internet revolution, the importance of this factor has risen significantly during the past. This means that a company might gain competitive advantages from the „proper information? at the „proper time?.
This study gives an overview of the role Internet search engines play in the context of information management and how the use of these signposts in the jungle of information can be optimized.
After an introduction about the use of information as a factor of production, the mode of operation and the potential usability of search engines for the provision of information are examined. In this connection a particular attention is paid to the potential dangers of the Internet, such as attacks by hackers and viruses or by the misuse of employees. Finally a distributed and CORBA based model will be introduced, which can improve some of the deficits which now exist in connection with search engines. With this solution, the mentioned dangers for organisations in connection with the Internet can be defused, too. [...]
Information Retrieval, Information Management, Search Engines, Distributed Systems, CORBA, Business Economics, Internet Search, Management Information Systems, Informationsbeschaffung, Online Suche, Suchmaschinen, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Informatik
FachdisziplinWirtschaftsinformatik & Informationsmanagement
SchriftenreiheStudien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik
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