Gaoneng Yu - Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery

A Comparative and Behavioral Study

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Über das Buch

Zum Inhalt

This book is a remarkable interdisciplinary contribution to understanding corruption and in particular, to the meaning of criminal prevention. It impresses its reader by creatively combining a comparative law analysis of the criminal regulation of corruption with a behavioral economic interpretation of the different regulation models and an independently designed laboratory experiment which examines the effects of symmetric and asymmetric penalties on persons involved in bribery. Actually there is not all that much comparative law on corruption. The economics of corruption is more developed, but as yet not grounded in legal expertise. That way, the book equally speaks to lawyers interested in criminal policy, and to experimental scholars interested in legal applications. [...]


Bestechung, Strafrecht, Gesetzgebung, Strategie, Abschreckung, Asymmetrie, Bestrafung, Bribery, Punishment, Legislation, Strategy, Deterrence, Asymmetry, Self-reporting, Leniency, Reciprocity, Revenge-taking, Effectiveness, Legal comparison, Criminal law, Comparative law, Behavioral law, Rechtswissenschaft

  • Fachdisziplin
    Strafrecht & Kriminologie
  • Schriftenreihe
    Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis
  • ISSN
  • Band


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